The first-ever UN Biodiversity Summit and the Leader’s Pledge for Nature galvanized global commitments on stopping and reversing biodiversity loss. Biodiversity loss . The authors of the Report examined six policy scenarios – very different ‘baskets’ of clustered policy options and approaches, including ‘Regional Competition’, ‘Business as Usual’ and ‘Global Sustainability’ – projecting the likely impacts on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people of these pathways by 2050. Found inside – Page 145On November 5, 2020, available at: events/2020-un-biodiversity-conference/; 2020. IPCC. Climate change 2014: synthesis report. Download free notes PDF for UPSC 2021 preparation. Our well-being fundamentally depends on nature. They will meet again at the biodiversity summit in Kunming, China, and the climate conference (Conference of the Parties (COP)26) in Glasgow, UK. To access the SPM, photos, ‘B-roll’ and other media resources go to: The full six-chapter Report (including all data) is expected exceed 1,500 pages and will be published later this year. Complete methods, This is particularly relevant in the context of the current biodiversity crisis, underlined by the IPBES, which estimated that approximately 25% of species are already threatened with extinction. Biodiversity-linked SDG targets with a 2020 deadline 1. A report in 2018 stated that "biodiversity must be mainstreamed across these sectors and spatial planning integrated accordingly." Regular programme country contributions About us Director-General Leadership Organizational chart Worldwide offices Governing Body documents Office of Strategy, Programme and Budget (OSP) Oversight Advisory Committee FAO and the UN Meetings Visit us 10 Only 28 economies are expected to have grown in 2020, with China the only G-20 country among them. 63. Our societies are intimately linked with and depend on biodiversity. x��Z_o�8���Gy��ER�b�@�f�.��M�88��K>Yn���fHJ�#�ql��H�3�q�K��)f� ���y����9�8����Z�9���ʧf���5EUNo6w >�������gr��-���ILc��1Nb�¯�8��ӓ�@�ӓ��ӓ�/�0F��>��0�� #R$Tj"U �,���F���$s������LjM�$�;=���yzr�$����0t|�k�)��4� ��8�4���-!ӛլ�ý~��������������IF�tG�$�I9� I�1�X`���i��4�$�6%:�;D �JeC��'gi��D&g2�W�Od�YNΘ�r�,���5\���'. Our local, indigenous and scientific knowledge are proving that we have solutions and so no more excuses: we must live on earth differently. The Strategy is a ten-year framework for action adopted by signatory countries in 2010 in Nagoya, Japan. – Cristiana Pasca Palmer, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, “The Global Assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services adds a major element to the body of evidence for the importance of biodiversity to efforts to achieve the Zero Hunger objective and meet the Sustainable Development Goals. A definitive new global synthesis of the state of nature, ecosystems and nature's contributions to people — the first such report since the landmark Millennium Ecosystem Assessment published in 2005, and the first ever that is inter-governmental — will be presented to representatives of 132 Governments for consideration of approval in May 2019. Found insideReport 14. ... Background paper for the World Development Report 2008. ... MPI. To increase the policy-relevance of the Report, the assessment’s authors have ranked, for the first time at this scale and based on a thorough analysis of the available evidence, the five direct drivers of change in nature with the largest relative global impacts so far. 4 See Annex III for thecontext of UN common approach on biodiversity and nature-based solutions 5 See more information about the Paris Agreement at -and meetings/the parisagreement/the agreement /Type /ExtGState Our six day programme is designed to address the critical issues in the negotiations for the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and to identify the gaps that must be filled before leaders adopt the GBF at CBD COP-15. Equitably “redirecting, repurposing or eliminating incentives” that harm biodiversity by at least $500 billion per year is just one of the 21 ambitious targets of a new draft agreement released by a UN body in the lead up to the landmark November climate conference, COP26, in the United Kingdom. The Red List Index is declining, from 0.82 in 1990 to 0.75 in 2015 to 0.73 in 2020. << Biodiversity. IPBES is to perform regular and timely assessments of knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services and their interlinkages at the global level. Liu Zhenmin Under-Secretary-General The results of Global Biodiversity Outlook 4, the flagship assessment report of the CBD informed the discussions. It also provides nature-based solutions on many of the most critical environmental, economic, and social challenges that we face as human society, including climate change, sustainable development, health, and water and food security. In: The Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and . “Biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people are our common heritage and humanity’s most important life-supporting ‘safety net’. Found insideRoutledge. Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD). (2020a). ... Reporting 2020. ... Nature managed by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities is under increasing pressure but is generally declining less rapidly than in other lands – although 72% of local indicators developed and used by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities show the deterioration of nature that underpins local livelihoods. Most comprehensive assessment of its kind; 1,000,000 species threatened with extinction, The Sustainable Development Goals: Our Framework for COVID-19 Recovery, UN Secretary-General’s Strategy for Financing the 2030 Agenda, ActNow | Food Challenge | Sustainable Recipes, The Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the World, UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’, FROM THE FIELD: Haiti’s gruelling post-quake road to recovery, Paris climate deal could go up in smoke without action: Guterres, Counting on youth, for an ‘equitable and sustainable world for all’, Act now to slow climate change and protect the planet, urges UN chief. 1 0 obj Only 23% of species and 16% of habitats under the EU Nature Directives are in good health. to the UN Global Compact, to which we have been a signatory since 2004. To support implementation of the CBD, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2011-2020 the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity and adopted the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. Found inside – Page 153SABMiller (2014) Building brands, brewing value [Report]. ... UNDP-Biodiversity-and-Ecosystems-Global-Framework-2012-2020.pdf United Nations Global Compact ... 8 million: total estimated number of animal and plant species on Earth (including 5.5 million insect species), Tens to hundreds of times: the extent to which the current rate of global species extinction is higher compared to average over the last 10 million years, and the rate is accelerating, Up to 1 million: species threatened with extinction, many within decades, >500,000 (+/-9%): share of the world’s estimated 5.9 million terrestrial species with insufficient habitat for long term survival without habitat restoration, >40%: amphibian species threatened with extinction, Almost 33%: reef forming corals, sharks and shark relatives, and >33% marine mammals threatened with extinction, 25%: average proportion of species threatened with extinction across terrestrial, freshwater and marine vertebrate, invertebrate and plant groups that have been studied in sufficient detail, At least 680: vertebrate species driven to extinction by human actions since the 16th century, +/-10%: tentative estimate of proportion of insect species threatened with extinction, >20%: decline in average abundance of native species in most major terrestrial biomes, mostly since 1900, 3.5%: domesticated breed of birds extinct by 2016, 70%: increase since 1970 in numbers of invasive alien species across 21 countries with detailed records, 30%: reduction in global terrestrial habitat integrity caused by habitat loss and deterioration, 47%: proportion of terrestrial flightless mammals and 23% of threatened birds whose distributions may have been negatively impacted by climate change already, >6: species of ungulate (hoofed mammals) would likely be extinct or surviving only in captivity today without conservation measures, 300%: increase in food crop production since 1970, 23%: land areas that have seen a reduction in productivity due to land degradation, >75%: global food crop types that rely on animal pollination, US$235 to US$577 billion: annual value of global crop output at risk due to pollinator loss, 5.6 gigatons: annual CO2 emissions sequestered in marine and terrestrial ecosystems – equivalent to 60% of global fossil fuel emission, +/-11%: world population that is undernourished, 100 million: hectares of agricultural expansion in the tropics from 1980 to 2000, mainly cattle ranching in Latin America (+/-42 million ha), and plantations in Southeast Asia (+/-7.5 million ha, of which 80% is oil palm), half of it at the expense of intact forests, 3%: increase in land transformation to agriculture between 1992 and 2015, mostly at the expense of orests, >33%: world’s land surface (and +/-75% of freshwater resources) devoted to crop or livestock production, 12%: world’s ice-free land used for crop production, 25%: world’s ice-free land used for grazing (+/-70% of drylands), +/-25%: greenhouse gas emissions caused by land clearing, crop production and fertilization, with animal-based food contributing 75% to that figure, +/-30%: global crop production and global food supply provided by small land holdings (<2 ha), using +/-25% of agricultural land, usually maintaining rich agrobiodiversity, $100 billion: estimated level of financial support in OECD countries (2015) to agriculture that is potentially harmful to the environment, 33%: marine fish stocks in 2015 being harvested at unsustainable levels; 60% are maximally sustainably fished; 7% are underfished, >55%: ocean area covered by industrial fishing, 3-10%: projected decrease in ocean net primary production due to climate change alone by the end of the century, 3-25%: projected decrease in fish biomass by the end of the century in low and high climate warming scenarios, respectively, >90%: proportion of the global commercial fishers accounted for by small scale fisheries (over 30 million people) – representing nearly 50% of global fish catch, Up to 33%: estimated share in 2011 of world’s reported fish catch that is illegal, unreported or unregulated, >10%: decrease per decade in the extent of seagrass meadows from 1970-2000, +/-50%: live coral cover of reefs lost since 1870s, 100-300 million: people in coastal areas at increased risk due to loss of coastal habitat protection, 400: low oxygen (hypoxic) coastal ecosystem ‘dead zones’ caused by fertilizers, affecting >245,000 km2, 29%: average reduction in the extinction risk for mammals and birds in 109 countries thanks to conservation investments from 1996 to 2008; the extinction risk of birds, mammals and amphibians would have been at least 20% greater without conservation action in recent decade, >107: highly threatened birds, mammals and reptiles estimated to have benefitted from the eradication of invasive mammals on islands, 45%: increase in raw timber production since 1970 (4 billion cubic meters in 2017), 50%: agricultural expansion that occurred at the expense of forests, 50%: decrease in net rate of forest loss since the 1990s (excluding those managed for timber or agricultural extraction), 68%: global forest area today compared with the estimated pre-industrial level, 7%: reduction of intact forests (>500 sq. Center for Sustainable Systems, Report No. Globally, the blue water footprint (i.e. the consumption of surface and groundwater resources) of food wastage is about 250 km3, which is equivalent to the annual water discharge of the Volga river, or three times the volume of lake Geneva. km with no human pressure) from 2000-2013 in developed and developing countries, 290 million ha (+/-6%): native forest cover lost from 1990-2015 due to clearing and wood harvesting, 110 million ha: rise in the area of planted forests from 1990-2015, 10-15%: global timber supplies provided by illegal forestry (up to 50% in some areas), >2 billion: people who rely on wood fuel to meet their primary energy needs, <1%: total land used for mining, but the industry has significant negative impacts on biodiversity, emissions, water quality and human health, +/-17,000: large-scale mining sites (in 171 countries), mostly managed by 616 international corporations, +/-6,500: offshore oil and gas ocean mining installations ((in 53 countries), US$345 billion: global subsidies for fossil fuels resulting in US$5 trillion in overall costs, including nature deterioration externalities; coal accounts for 52% of post-tax subsidies, petroleum for +/-33% and natural gas for +/-10%, 25 million km: length of new paved roads foreseen by 2050, with 90% of construction in least developed and developing countries, +/-50,000: number of large dams (>15m height) ; +/-17 million reservoirs (>0.01 ha), 105%: increase in global human population (from 3.7 to 7.6 billion) since 1970 unevenly across countries and regions, 50 times higher: per capita GDP in developed vs. least developed countries, >2,500: conflicts over fossil fuels, water, food and land currently occurring worldwide, >1,000: environmental activists and journalists killed between 2002 and 2013, 70%: proportion of cancer drugs that are natural or synthetic products inspired by nature, +/-4 billion: people who rely primarily on natural medicines, 17%: infectious diseases spread by animal vectors, causing >700,000 annual deaths, +/-821 million: people face food insecurity in Asia and Africa, 40%: of the global population lacks access to clean and safe drinking water, >80%: global wastewater discharged untreated into the environment, 300-400 million tons: heavy metals, solvents, toxic sludge, and other wastes from industrial facilities dumped annually into the world’s waters, 10 times: increase in plastic pollution since 1980, 1 degree Celsius: average global temperature difference in 2017 compared to pre-industrial levels, rising +/-0.2 (+/-0.1) degrees Celsius per decade, >3 mm: annual average global sea level rise over the past two decades, 16-21 cm: rise in global average sea level since 1900, 100% increase since 1980 in greenhouse gas emissions, raising average global temperature by at least 0.7 degree, 40%: rise in carbon footprint of tourism (to 4.5Gt of carbon dioxide) from 2009 to 2013, 8%: of total greenhouse gas emissions are from transport and food consumption related to tourism, 5%: estimated fraction of species at risk of extinction from 2°C warming  alone, rising to 16% at 4.3°C warming. 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