Humankind is created “in [God’s] image and likeness” (cf. -- The God Family Inside this Bible Study Aid ebook: "Most people assume that everything that bears the label “Christian” must have originated with Jesus Christ and His early followers. But this is definitely not the case. To Whom with the all holy, the good and life giving Spirit be glory and power, now and always, forever and ever. But with the Greeks this is not a starting-point, but a conclusion, the result of reflective analysis. If the point of view of the writers be borne in mind, the expressions, strange as they are, will be seen not to be incompatible with orthodox belief. —A. It is of faith that the procession of the Holy Spirit is not generation. By reason of this new mode of presence common to the whole Trinity, the Second and the Third Persons, inasmuch as each receives the Divine Nature by means of a procession, may be said to be sent into the soul. Catholic Encyclopedia 1991 "The term 'Trinity' does not appear in scripture" "(The Doctrine of the Trinity) - hammered out over the course of three centuries of doctrinal controversy against modalism and subordinationism" Why You Should Believe In The Trinity … A somewhat similar, though less aggravated, error on the part of Rosmini was condemned, December 14, 1887 (Dent., 1915). This latter form is indeed perfectly consistent with Trinitarian belief: it, however, expresses not the coequality of the Three Persons, but their operation in regard to man. The New Bible Dictionary goes on to explain that “the formal doctrine of the Trinity was the result of several inadequate attempts to explain who and what the Christian God really is ...To deal with these problems the Church Fathers met in [A.D.] 325 at the Council of Nicaea to set out an orthodox biblical definition concerning the divine identity.” Thus, in the words of the Athanasian Creed: “the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods but one God.” In this Trinity of Persons the Son is begotten of the Father by an eternal generation, and the Holy Spirit proceeds by an eternal procession from the Father and the Son. Some wonder if people believe this to be 3 gods. Any of the great ecumenical creeds would serve us well in this regard. Where there is a real procession the principle and the term are really related. In point of fact the doctrine of the Incarnation involves that, in regard of His Human Nature, the Son should be less than the Father. It is urged that since there are Three Persons there must be three self-consciousnesses: but the Divine mind ex hypothesi is one, and therefore can possess but one self-consciousness; in other words, the dogma contains an irreconcilable contradiction (cf. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Fathers of the Church distinguish between theology (theologia) and economy (oikonomia). We do not confess three Gods, but one God in three persons, the "consubstantial Trinity". The former writes: “We thus [i.e., by the twofold procession] extend the Monad [the First Person] to the Trinity, without causing any division, and we recapitulate the Trinity in the Monad without causing diminution” (outo men emeis eis te ten triada ten monada, platunomen adiaireton, kai ten triada palin ameioton eis ten monada sugkephalaioumethe.—P.G., XXV, 504). The Trinity as a Mystery; V. The Doctrine as Interpreted in Greek Theology; VI. Indeed the unity of God is so fundamental a tenet alike of the Hebrew and of the Christian religion, and is affirmed in such countless passages of the Old and New Testaments, that any explanation inconsistent with this doctrine would be altogether inadmissible. Catholic scholars Karl Rahner and Herbert Vorgrimler state in their Theological Dictionary: “The Trinity is a mystery . Found insideWayne Grudem's bestselling Systematic Theology has several distinctive features: A strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine Clear writing, with technical terms kept to a minimum A contemporary approach, treating subjects of ... Acts, v, 3; xv, 28; Rom., xv, 30). Eunom.”, II, 22; Cyril Alex., “In Joan.”, xii, 20.). John A. Hardon, S.J. Blessed Trinity - the union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost in one Godhead Holy Trinity, Sacred Trinity, Trinity … Anselm’s error was due not to Rationalism, but to too wide an application of the Augustinian principle “Crede ut intelligas”. The Catholic doctrine of the Trinity is an elevated conception of God that leads to an elevated conception of the dignity of the human person. It is the revealed truth that God, who wants us to know Him, has given to humanity and over which He has made His Church a guardian. Virtual Campus Tour. Using the Cajun trinity is a way of building flavors in a dish. Trinity Catholic College Lismore listed as TCCL. Some of these, however, admitted that a knowledge of the mystery was granted to the Prophets and saints of the Old Dispensation (Epiph., viii, 5; Cyril Alex., “Con. Father Andrew skillfully explains how human knowledge works, the relation between faith and reason, and how the Holy Spirit uses both to lead us to the truth. For nowhere in the Old Testament do we find any clear indication of a Third Person. Here, then, the Circuminsession has its basis in the Homousia. Raymond Lully‘s (1235-1315) errors in this regard were even more extreme. in Theoph.”, n. 10, P.G., VI, 861). The term “economic Trinity” is one of these. The Handbook for Today's Catholic, page 11 says, “The mystery of the trinity is the central doctrine of the Catholic faith. The key element of this belief is that God is at once a single God, but also that each aspect of Him is individual. Gen. 1:26). Yet we are forced to speak thus; for the one Personality, notwithstanding its simplicity, is related to both the others, and by different relations. So, too, in regard to the mission of the Holy Spirit. A priest or auxiliary bishop who assists the diocesan bishop in a specific part of the diocese, over certain groups in the diocese, or over certain areas of church affairs. In other words, our understanding of it remains only partial, even after we have accepted it as part of the Divine message. The act of consecration was the invocation over them of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Shortly afterwards it appears in its Latin form of trinitas in Tertullian (“De pud.”, c. xxi, P.G., II, 1026). Indeed the controversies of the fourth century brought some of the Greek Fathers notably nearer to the positions of Latin theology. He also understands it as signifying the identity of essence, will, and action in the Persons. motivated in part by the concern that ifthere are three divine selves, this implies that there are three gods.Three-self Moreover, the Gospel narratives appear to signify that none but Christ and the Baptist were privileged to see the Mystic Dove, and hear the words attesting the Divine sonship cf the Messias. So, too, the passages referring to the dependence of the Son upon the Father do but express what is essential to Trinitarian dogma, viz., that the Father is the supreme source from Whom the Divine Nature and perfections flow to the Son. Notice, before the creation, the Son was “with” the Father. From all eternity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have poured themselves out into each other in an infinite act of love, which we, as Christians, are called to experience through faith and the sacraments by which we are lifted up into that very love of God itself (Romans 5:1-5). Intellectual procession, he says, is of its very nature the production of a term in the likeness of the thing conceived. Roman Catholic Trinity. There are many places we might go to find a suitable definition. Refers to a bishop or groups of bishops, or to the form of church governance in which ordained bishops have authority. Moreover, in Col., i, 15, the Son is expressly termed “the image of the invisible God” (eikon tou theou tou aoratou). Polyc., n. 14; cf. Tertullian affirms in the clearest terms that what he held as to the Trinity when a Catholic he still holds as a Montanist (“Adv. TRINITY, THE HOLY A term used since A.D. 200 to denote the central doctrine of the Christian religion. episcopal vicar. cath.”, iv). He is instantly declared by the high priest to be guilty of blasphemy, an offense which could not have been attached to the claim to be simply the Messias (Luke, xxii, 66-71). The term used by the Church to identify the persons in the Trinity and the union of two natures in one divine person in Christ. 13, Ch. In the Apostolic writings theos may almost be said to be treated as a proper name of God the Father, and kirios of the Son (cf. Prax.”, ii, P.L., II, 156); and in the same work he explicitly teaches the Divinity of the Three Persons, their distinction, the eternity of God the Son (op. In virtue of this the object of love is present to our affections much as by means of the concept, the object of thought is present to our intellect. They did not see in the term a revelation that the Son is begotten by way of intellectual procession, but viewed it as a metaphor intended to exclude the material associations of human sonship (Gregory of Nyssa, “C. 1). In the narrative of St. Polycarp’s martyrdom we read: “With Whom to Thee and the Holy Spirit be glory now and for the ages to come” (Mart. —The Vatican Council has explained the meaning to be attributed to the term mystery in theology. It is plain that these Fathers would have rejected no less firmly than the Latins the later Photian heresy that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father alone. The first three books of the Refutation are his work; the fourth and fifth books that are usually included do not belong to Basil, or to Apollinaris of Laodicea, but probably to Didymus "the Blind" of Alexandria. d’Ales, “Tertullien”, 82-96). The Trinity is made known by the Gospel” (“Hoer.”, lxxiv., P.G., XLII, 493). He proceeds from the Father through the Son. The three persons of the Trinity are consubstantial, equal, and eternal. No argument against Catholic doctrine can, therefore, be drawn from this text. It may be readily conceded that the way is prepared for the revelation in some of the prophecies. In these passages he rejects the Gnostic figment that the world was created by aeons who had emanated from God, but were not consubstantial with Him, and teaches the consubstantiality of the Word and the Spirit by Whom God created all things. The point is worth noting, for this diversity of symbolic representation leads inevitably to very different expressions of the same dogmatic truth. Justin, “Apol.”, I, 60, P.G., VI, 419; Irenaeus, “Adv. It is evident that these apologists were seeking to explain the Christian Faith to their pagan readers in terms with which the latter were familiar. They regarded it as certain that the Divine messenger of Gen., xvi, 7, xviii, xxi, 17, xxxi, 11; Ex., iii, 2, was God the Son; for reasons to be mentioned below (III. VI. The belief is that God is of three parts: God the Father; God the Son, as represented by Christ; and God the Holy Spirit. ci, 26-28); and they use such expressions as “the fear of the Lord” (Acts, ix, 31; II Core, v, 11; Eph., v, 21), “call upon the name of the Lord,” indifferently of God the Father and of Christ (Acts, ii, 21; ix, 14; Rom., x, 13). hoer., III, viii, n. 3), Clem. The statement also affirmed belief "in one holy, catholic [meaning in this context universal, whole or complete] and apostolic Church . It is out of the question to suppose that men who were prepared to give their lives on behalf of this fundamental truth were in point of fact in so great confusion in regard to it that they were unaware whether their creed was monotheistic, ditheistic, or tritheistic. All Western theologians teach that creation, like all God‘s external works, proceeds from Him as One: the separate Personalities do not enter into consideration. Trinity. It is impossible to establish that, in regard of the infinite mind, such a supposition involves a contradiction. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. ; Cyril of Alexandria, “De Trin.”, II, P.G., LXXV, 768). The Nicene Creed. Now the attribute holy, as applied to a person or thing, signifies that the being of which it is affirmed is devoted to God. xxix”, § 8, P.G., XXXVI, 84; Cyril of Jerusalem, “Cat.”, xi, 19; John Damascene, “Fid. It is incredible that the phrase “in the name” should be here employed, were not all the Persons mentioned equally Divine. ciii, 31; xxviii, 2), is an expression of praise offered to God alone. clxxxix,” n. 7, P.G., XXXII, 693; Gregory of Nyssa, “De orat. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us, “The mystery of the Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of the Christian life.” (CCC, #261) Each of the three persons in the godhead possesses the same eternal and infinite divine nature; thus, they are the one, true God in essence or nature, not “three Gods.” Yet, they are truly distinct in their relations to each other. a term in Christian theology designating god. The Council’s definitions concerning the Trinity are really as easy as one, two, three… four. Hugh and Richard of St. Victor were, however, certainly influenced by Abelard’s teaching. He understands the term God as signifying the whole Trinity, and not, as do the other Greeks, the Father alone: “When we pray, whether we say, `Kyrie eleison’, or `O God aid us’, we do not miss our mark: for we include the whole of the Blessed Trinity in one Godhead” (De Trin., II, xix, P.G., XXXIX, 736). Simply put, the Trinity is very difficult to understand, especially when understood correctly! Hence, inasmuch as there was full agreement between the two bodies in regard to the Trinity, we have here again a clear proof that Trinitarianism was an article of faith at a time when the Apostolic tradition was far too recent for any error to have arisen on a point so vital. Holy Trinity. orth.”, I, ii, P.G., XCIV, 794, etc., etc.). (3) He is the Lord of Angels, who execute His commands (Matt., xxiv, 31). The Trinity is a concept that is impossible for any human being to fully understand, let alone explain. And when it comes to the Trinity, there are many analogies to choose from. The story of the controversy is conclusive as to the doctrinal standard of the Church. orth.”, I, xii, P.G., XCIV, 849). Whatever distinction there is must be in the relations alone. Clement of Alexandria professes the doctrine in “Paedag.”, I, vi (P.G., VIII, 300), and somewhat later Gregory Thaumaturgus, as we have already seen, lays it down in the most express terms in his creed (P.G., X, 986). (For this question the reader is referred to HOLY GHOST.). Hermogenem”, xviii). So also, in I Cor., xii, 4-11: “There are diversities of graces, but the same Spirit; and there are diversities of ministries, but the same Lord: and there are diversities of operations, but the same God, who worketh all [of them] in all [persons]”. The unity of essence is not merely postulated by the strict monotheism of men nurtured in the religion of Israel, to whom “subordinate deities” would have been unthinkable; but it is, as we have seen, involved in the baptismal commission of Matt., xxviii, 19, and, in regard to the Father and the Son, expressly asserted in John, x, 38. The matter seems to be correctly summed up by Epiphanius, when he says: “The One Godhead is above all declared by Moses, and the twofold personality (of Father and Son) is strenuously asserted by the Prophets. St. It is based on the Platonic philosophy accepted by the Alexandrine School. My purpose is to accumulate biblical arguments in support of distinctively Catholic doctrinal positions, with Protestant readers particularly in mind. The Greek Fathers regarded the Son as the Wisdom and Power of the Father (I Cor., i, 24) in a formal sense, and in like manner, the Spirit as His Sanctity. Catholic definition is - of, relating to, or forming the church universal. The term may, of course, have been in use before his time. Prax.”, 15-16; Theoph., “Ad Autol.”, ii, 22; Novat., “De Trin.”, 18, 25, etc.). (How it is that there should be in God real relations, though it is altogether impossible that quantity or quality should be found in Him, is a question involving a discussion regarding the metaphysics of relations, which would be out of place in an article such as the present. The Holy Spirit is passively spirated of the Father and the Son, constituting the person of the Holy Spirit. The Trinity by Catholic Answers, Inc. Oneness & the Name of God by Michael Blume: God in Three Persons by Catholic Answers, Inc. Alexander Campbell, Barton W. Stone, Walter Scott - Trinity: Trinitarian Baptism by Catholic Answers, Inc. *Oneness, Twoness or Threeness by Buddy Martin: Rediscovering the Trinity by Robin Vogsland The “economy” of a household includes the assigning of roles or jobs within the family. As regards the vindication of a mystery, the office of the natural reason is solely to show that it contains no intrinsic impossibility, that any objection urged against it on the score that it violates the laws of thought is invalid, More than this it cannot do. Yet the doctrine is found much earlier. The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church and the largest religious denomination, with approximately 1.3 billion baptised Catholics worldwide as of 2019. xvii”, 15, P.G., XII, 1229 etc., etc.). This is due to the fact that the forms alike of our thought and our language are moulded upon the material world in which we live. He is the seal, Himself impressing on us the Divine image. In Aristotelean philosophy perfection is always conceived statically. The Son is passively generated of the Father, which constitutes the person of the Son. The early Fathers, as we have said, regarded Prov., viii, 22, and Col., i, 15, as distinctly teaching that there is a sense in which the Word, begotten before all worlds, may rightly be said to have been begotten also in time.
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