Lily and Alfie sent me this picture of them riding their bikes, Alfie's only just learnt how to, but they both cycle six miles every day! She printed photos of the people she loves, cut these into heart shapes and put them in her jar, because they make her feel happy and full of love – isn’t that a fantastic idea?! So I thought we could spread a bit of this care and happiness! Just send them to If you can think of anything else, let me know! One sparrow looks very much like another one! Glue each of these onto a piece of different colour card, as you can see Noah and Benjamin have done in the picture, (look underneath the black paint). If you've been doing anything else interesting or fun that's not one of those things, be sure to tell me that, too - I'm always looking for daily diary ideas! Sometimes he gets into some tricky situations, too! I hope yours doesn’t melt too quickly, Violet - mine has already turned into a puddle! I looked over a wall and saw some sheep – and then they came running towards me! We washed them, then cooked them and they tasted deeee-licious! Did you have a good Try-out Tuesday? Maybe you could find out why they became famous - you could have a Diary Detectives Day (DDD!). But there was another reason too. Australian Twitter was absolutely devastated after learning that Healthy Harold, the giraffe that taught us all about sexual health, drugs, alcohol and cigarettes in school, was . In fact it's tweet-tastic! It has been a great week, with lots to do! Oh, that reminds me - a school sent me a picture of a chart that they're making to count the birds for their very own Big Garden Birdwatch survey! A good Thinking of others Thursday? I found some really colourful card in our recycle bag! They help him to get ready by showing him how to use the items in his wash-bag. If you click on this picture, below, it will grow bigger. Can you think how we've show all these things over the past few months? I know they definitely help me. Try this sleep quiz.... a) Exercise during the daytime and at least 2 to 3 hours before bedime. You can print out both of these pictures and colour them in if you want to - just click on the one you want. Ahh, Thursday again! We had a great time learning about looking after our bodies and making healthy choices, thanks so much. Anyway I'd better get going because today I'm finally going to be making that cheesecake that I keep mentioning! Maybe you could try it, when you're out doing your daily exercise? They're very unusual and there are lots of different coloured leaves in them. They collected lots of sticks, twigs old tree bark - things from nature - and they made an amazing piece of art work from it. Do you remember me telling you about listening walks? Harold was the character that entertains the children in the Life Education Caravan. Let me know! Yesterday was Work-out Wednesday. It's been so fun seeing the letters you have been sending me! I am thinking of you all and can’t wait to see you tomorrow for Friendship Friday! Well there you have a few activities all about thinking of others. Did you have a good Workout Wednesday? I thought of an idea to connect with Kiki and Derek for Friendship Friday! Thanks so much for the pictures that you've been sending me of your World Book Day characters. Well, I can't wait to see all your community creations! Boards are the best place to save images and video clips. She said that moles dig deep, deep, deep into the ground so they are well below the frost and can keep warm and cosy! Harold the Giraffe has a new friend - Tim Jones is the new man in charge of the Manawatu Life Education truck. I'm still deciding which character to draw for World Book Day. Lots of people have been making bunting - like Connor and his mum - for VE day. We've had some crazy weather but it's been really fun to watch the birds, out of the window. Thanks all of you for reminding us about that! Perhaps you'd like to grow some. It's called a Bird Food Ball! I'll send a special certificate to everyone who sends in an idea! Harold Schechter is a professor of American literature and popular culture at Queens College of the City University of New York. Thinking about this reminded me of an activity you could do, called Health Factory. You can send them to – hearing from you all and seeing what you are getting up to makes me so happy! Well I hope you have a great day thinking about Caring. Byeeee! That will also help my mental health, because doing creative things helps us to feel good! But today is Work-out Wednesday, so I'm going to get my water bottle and get ready to do some exercises, before I settle down to my school work. Hey! The brain is super-duper important when it comes to staying happy and healthy, so it's important to train it, just like we do with our bodies! November 10, 2020. Hello! But not only that, my mum had an idea about something we could do. Add animation to a bedside lamp with a simple electrical motor By John Hutchinson Make a lamp with a little something extra—the giraffe sways back and forth to "nibble" at the leafy shade! Do you remember my Wellbeing Wheel and all the 5 things we need to try to do each to help us feel happy and healthy? Maybe you have some ideas for Try-out Tuesday? Mrs Goggin believes Harold and his program make a huge difference to children in kindergarten to year six. You can send your ideas for things to do at home during the holidays by emailing me at - REMEMBER to ask for permission from your grown-up at home before you send your message to me! I am having a great time reading your emails! Anyway, all through this week I'm going to be coming up with lots of ideas for things to do for a socially-distanced Great Get Together. If you did I'd love to see them! I practised at the weekend. - Things that you'd like to be better at, that you could practise over and over and improve at. I said to myself. And hopefully you too. Mum says that we can make a frozen sun catcher! Gerald the giraffe is too clumsy to dance with all the other animals at the Jungle Dance, until he finds the right music. There'll probably be some new rules to keep us all safe from COVID-19. So going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time every morning, is the NUMBER 1 best thing that scientists recommend for getting a really good night's sleep! That gives me another idea! She's not a real person, but there were children a bit like her at the Foundling Hospital! Soon there will be new shoots growing up from the bulbs I planted in Autumn. Here they are - just click on the pictures to make them bigger. Here's one that Ela and Elif sent a film of, too! And the film with all your wonderful art work, photographs and poetry will be here, in my diary's Great Get Together Gallery for you to see at 10 o'clock. The rooftops are covered too and it looks like icing sugar. They make me happy, too, Sebby - just looking at them makes me smile! And then Olivia made a lovely picture with some of the ideas from the list. It's the third day of the week (already!) I'm just going to make it by cutting out triangles from pieces of card or thick paper - maybe I could use some old cardboard boxes! You can send your ideas by email to - REMEMBER to ask for permission from your grown-up at home before you send your message to me! It's next Thursday on the 4th of March. Stay happy and healthy! As well as that though, I've got another activity for you to have a go at. Hastings resident starts a new chapter after literacy documentary, NSW records drop in COVID cases to 1083 but 13 deaths, Batt to business: Paralympian to build a community of champions, All abilities welcomed to the stage for new dance program, Youth bands hit Glasshouse stage in rock fest of local talent. I've got my new home-learning pack from school and that's going to keep me busy! I was amazed at how many of them replied and even more amazed at how many brilliant ideas they came up with! When I was looking through the different things that some of you sent me, I found this really useful Mindfulness ideas poster by Abdullah. Spoon the mixture into the cupcake case/yoghurt pot. Every Monday I make sure I think about something that is nice and simple - and calming! They were so sweet! Healthy food habits are just as helpful! I've not had time to write my diary yet, because I'm thinking of ideas for my 2.6 Challenge! Before I go.... remember - if your grown-up helper thinks it's ok, and isn't super, super busy, maybe they could help you send a message to me, telling me the name of your favourite book and why you like it so much. I thought that this week I could pick out some of my favourite activities for each day of the week, and then if you're feeling at a loose end over the next few weeks, you know what to do! I've been thinking of some more ideas for connecting and I've got a little thinking puzzle that I'm going to do with my grandma or my grandad - maybe both of them! I love dancing! A pair of scissors (ask a grown-up which ones are safe to use! Maybe they’ll remember some things that I’ve forgotten! Can you guess why I absolutely LOVE it... because it's a giraffe! If you did, I've got the answers here: Well there you go, my mind is well and truly bent - and hopefully my brain's getting bigger, too! Harold was the character that entertains the children in the Life Education Caravan. It's certainly worked for me in the past! Remember - I would love you to send me poems, artwork, photos or anything else for my Great Get Together on Friday - that's the day after tomorrow! Awww! Police and Life Education Trust teamed up to put on an end-of-term extravaganza for the students of Kaingaroa Forest School. I love those, too! Well, you might remember me asking you all for ideas about what I could do for keeping in touch with friends and family on Friendship Friday, last week. Today's Workout Wednesday of course, and I'm going to do a listening walk for my exercise and see how many birds I can spot. Isn’t that funny?! Well, today is Try-out Tuesday and I've been trying something new over the past few weeks - growing potatoes! A bit like pass the parcel, but pass the kindness, instead! Sometimes we can feel a bit worried and stressed, especially with COVID-19, but I've been learning lots of ways to make myself feel better if I ever feel like that! An ironically trippy statement, yes. with a really useful traffic light system and Abdullah's made a board game! Maybe you could try it one day? I've got to dash now, because I've just looked out of the window and... it's snowing outside! Kiki has extra special bouncing powers, being a kangaroo!). I love video calling them and talking about what we are doing at home but I really miss seeing them in person. Perhaps you could make up a dance routine as well. How are you still showing people that you care about them even when you can't see them properly? Hello everyone! I miss my friends but I know we are all staying home to make sure everyone can stay safe. Then something really suprising happened. Well, it's Monday again. Here's an example "You'll find me next to where you wash your hands..." (that means the next clue is hidden next to a sink or bathroom basin!) Friday, 18 Jun 2021 When Abbie* was 14 years old her drink was spiked. How true! I hope you have a creative try-out Tuesday - even if you just do one small thing. Do you think they had the internet? Here is one by Bertie Age 5! On Thursdays I try and remember to make an extra special effort to be helpful at home. How did you do? Do you remember the gratitude lists from last week's diary? Capturing the precious memories and emotions of the Easter holiday, this book commemorates the magical traditions of the Easter bunny’s arrival and the Easter egg hunt for toddlers. It will be fun trying to find them AND we will get worn out from running around! Click here to watch some super-duper calming pufferfish breathing. Mindful Moments - songs that help me to feel calm and peaceful and for relaxing to. So if you want some ideas of things to do during the summer, just visit my diary! Ahh, Try-out Tuesday again! Well, that’s all for today - I need to do some school work and then I might even have a go at armpit fudge! Super tasty and super healthy! I do talk to them on the phone and with video calls I can see them, too! Did you have a go at the Health Factory crossword? . Then you could have some fun with them, too! Be really careful because sometimes frozen things can stick to our skin and burn it - especially if the skin is damp or wet - yes it’s true! If you click on the picture below, you can print the crossword and fill it in. And if it's raining you can hear even more noises, like the splashing of rain in puddles. Phew! Ha ha! Our mental health just means how we feel inside, so it's a bit different to our normal, physical health - though that's still important too! Did you improve on your score from last time it was in the diary? Maybe I could make a chart! If you can't print it out, you could even make your own board game about helping and thinking of others! Corban has been checking the seedlings every moring, and watering them every morning, too! Not that it's always easy to do that. Did you have a good Thursday? Have you been filling in yours? Welcome to my Great Get Together Gallery! Oh! Can you smell or taste a strawberry just by thinking of it?! Well done! Maybe you could think of some things that are fun to do at home - during By Myself  time and All Together  time. I'd love to hear your ideas, too. There are so many sports and different types of exercise that you could try out over the summer if you fancy learning a new skill. I think I can find those things. That's why I call Kiki and Derek. Hello everybody – happy Wednesday! You might remember me telling you about one of my favourite books, You Choose, a few weeks ago. If you have any ideas for me to try please let me know! Despite it being called gardening, you don't actually need a garden! That may have changed now as we've had some really windy weather over the last few days, haven't we?! It's Wednesday - it's a wet Wednesday where I am! Just a circle. Sometimes, though, I feel sooo tired that I don't want to carry on, but I've found a recipe for home-made energy bars which give me loads of energy for doing exercise! So I'm going to see if I can make a snow angel! She told me that it's ok because they are used to the cold and have lots of ways to keep warm! So there you have another activity idea - you'll be growing your own plants in no time! What do you do when you're feeling worried? Ha ha! Yes - you read correctly. F - And how to be a good friend to others! You can email me with your ideas, pictures and drawings of things you’ve been doing. This one's called 'square breathing'. You can display it next to your S, C an A posters, then you've got four fifths of a whole SCARF - and that's a great proper fraction! It's all still there - you just have to scroll down to that date!Well, St Hilda's Reception class certainly achieved a lot, yesterday! It's called Coram's Fields and it's a special place where children can play safely. I have lots of school work to do and I also want to try out some new things (becuase it's Try out Tuesday, of course, as you know!) I know that I've enjoyed writing it. Then cut around the hand very carefully, you might need an adult to help with the scissors. They were a-maz-ing and they cheered me up, too! Ha ha! Today is Friendship Friday and I'm going to celebrate it by spending time with my really good friends Kiki and Derek. His name is Harold, Healthy Harold, and he is a puppet. Here are some pictures of mine: Well, there you have it - my wonderfully wintry Try-out Tuesday activity. Rory, his brother Matthew and his mum are all growing a sunflower. It's all going to be ok. We're all going to look after each other! I'm starting with some writing. Something to hang it with - this is optional depending on how you want to display your finished suncatcher! I did the same thing this weekend! Click on the picture below to see the exercises. And look! Did you get all the answers? It's Monday again and the first day of June! I love reading them all! It's easy to do the same things every day, especially when we are staying home and being safe. Found insideFrancine and her family watch as their pet tadpole Fred gradually changes into what they think is a frog until Grandpa tells them Fred is a toad that should be living in the backyard. He always loved the sea. Have a happy Thursday - and stay happy and healthy! And it's just as important to look after our minds as it is to look after our bodies! You can see one of them here - it's a full SCARF, from Aurelia who goes to Cropredy C of E school, near Banbury. R - How to build resilience, (and bounce back!). Why don’t you print out the picture too and have a go at colouring in the birds, or if you can’t print things off just draw some of your own birds. They crayon is not magical but merely the key to unlock the power of Harold's imagination. Can you guess what I've done? It's a story about me, my friend Dibna and YOU! (Maybe if you have a printer, you could print this out to colour in. They were so big and fluffy. I'm going to try to make one up myself. It does make me sad that I can't see my friends, but at least I can still call them and speak to them, even if it's not in real life! Come back this afternoon to find out! Well, Connor really likes reading and sometimes - for his school work, I think - he has to write book reviews. Hey - if you did the quiz, what did you score? I’d better get ready to go out now but before I go, I need to tell you about Mindful Mondays! Here are a few that you can do by yourself (or at least socially distanced): There you go, if you're ever feeling bored try one of those! I'd love to hear your ideas for this. Found insideAn irrepressible pigeon takes a trip through the zoo, preening and posing alongside all the animals, right up to the sharp teeth of a grumpy lion. Well, have a very happy Tuesday and maybe you could try something new today, too. Maybe you'll be going back to school soon, too - or maybe you've never stopped going. Here’s one that my friends Lucie and Maisie have sent me! And sometimes it can help me if I'm feeling cross and grumpy! Have you been doing any baking in lockdown? I get out my notebook and I write down 3 things I'm grateful for. There are also some pretty patterns to colour in. I think I just made up that word.). I might even hide the words 'grandma' and 'grandad' into my word search! Thanks so much for sharing that with me, Sophie. Today is Mindful Monday and I’ve started something which has helped me a lot recently, something that helps me when I’m feeling a bit glum. Look! Can you run from one post box to another? So this week I'm going to share with you some of my favourite nature diary days - and hopefully help us to remember some of the things we can do to help ourselves feel happy and mentally strong! 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