big bear bald eagle update

For a bit, the nest had a nicely defined bowl but that sure didn’t last long…. After an eventful and tough week full of highs and lows, it looks like Jackie & Shadow are moving forward to the next chapter in their lives and now we can all move forward with them. (for those who might be asking–yes, we cleaned the lens, yes, the camera has been raised for a view above Shadow’s sticks. Yesterday they took the day off to enjoy the beauty of Big Bear Valley. We do not and cannot know the why for any of this. Big Bear Bald Eagle, Jackie, has laid her fourth egg of 2021. …..Things can begin moving forward again for our planning and we hope to have some good news about it in the next few days. They worked on this one together and seemed mighty proud of their work…taking time in between all of this work for some sweet nips, beak kisses, a little wiggle wiggle testing out the nest bowl and looking out over the neighborhood. Eagles do not sweat, they pant to cool down and regulate their body temps, it is completely normal. !Shadow and Jackie both stopped by the nest this evening and spent time there together–with a little kissy kissy and a little Shadow mischief–before heading off to the roost tree.Shadow came in first with one of his giant sticks. We do not know why it would have gotten broken. Our fundraising goal is $75,000. Apparently Jackie agreed to be the entertainer of the day yesterday to give Shadow a little respite.On her first visit, she won the “longest stick prize” for the season–the stick was even longer than her wingspan, so over 7 feet! Though we are still in the window of possibility for hatching, with each passing day it is less likely. To follow the latest updates on the new eggs, visit Big Bear: With all eyes on bald eagle eggs, expert discusses hatching process. Shadow took off to the stick depot while Jackie used her alone time to arrange the fluff around the nest until everything was just right. Jackie, with her skilled food detection system, started squealing at him from a distance that she was coming for that food. All of this nest work, stick delivery and teamwork is normal… at least it is normal for Jackie & Shadow. She laid a third egg, but it somehow had gotten broken either before or during the laying process. We haven’t seen a definite pip (crack in the egg from the chick poking a hole in the shell) in either egg. The cool, foggy weather yesterday must have been very inviting–Jackie and Shadow had two long visits to the nest, with Shadow having lots of fun both times.Jackie was first to arrive in the early morning. Thank you! Check out a comprehensive timeline of Big They will continue to visit and build onto the nest throughout the off season. They are very healthy and managed the abduction by aliens very well. She spent the rest of the afternoon moving the big furniture from place to place, several times heading right towards the camera….. Noooooo! It is quite possible the ravens have a nest nearby and this may have been nutrients for a new life. The current live stream will be down for maintenance on 2-14-2021 at 9:00 am PST. Please mark your donation “Spring Fundraiser” in the ‘add a note’ or ‘order notes’ field so we can thank you properly! Found inside – Page 22Bald eagles winter in areas with large , permanent open water habitat . ... local movements of eagles through the area probably between Big Bear and Baldwin ... (ID#20-0650845)Any small, big or ongoing donation is very welcome and appreciated!! We are very sad to report that egg #2 was preyed on by ravens this afternoon. You can order yours (in time for the holidays) from our website at:, After waiting through the big weekend snow storm, Jackie and Shadow made 4 long visits to the nest in the last 2 days–on Tuesday, Jackie visited mid-day, then both Jackie and Shadow came in the evening. Over the weekend Jackie and Shadow were both great at incubating, rolling eggs, yelling at ravens and arranging the nest while sitting…and they worked together on shift changes in complete cooperation–well mostly complete…well at least some cooperation, except for the part where neither one of them wants to get off the eggs when it’s the other one’s turn to incubate. Here is the new youtube address to find the: FOBBV decided to make February 1st the observed hatch day for both eagles. They are still incubating the remaining egg. …Meanwhile, Jackie has stuck with her old standby techniques–leave and shout from the distance that you’d better get there pronto (he does), or the ever effective ‘louder-than-words’ silent stare. …Shadow continues to bring giant sticks, or in some cases, small logs, then bash around the nest, sometimes bonking Jackie repeatedly with the stick, sometimes laying it on top of her and sometimes stepping on her on his way to the perfect location for that stick. They did each come to the nest to bring a stick and check things out in the morning…but then they were off at the lake shore or somewhere all day until after dark.As usual, Shadow was first in. And that analysis was done before 2010—BEFORE any bald eagles stayed year-round and nested in our valley. Jackie happily accepted his offering…but then told him he was not allowed to watch her eat it, so he had to leave. On a very windy Saturday, Shadow came in early to relieve Jackie, she never argues on that duty change, when morning rolls around she is ready to stretch her wings. …the new names of these two adorable week old chicks! Shadow joined Jackie shortly after the egg was laid, she made him wait quite awhile before the big reveal… Congratulations Jackie and Shadow! –best mumbling under your breath when you have to get off the nest. As always, we will just keep watching to see what Jackie and Shadow have in store for us next. And, keep an eye out for upcoming eagle-related events at Chirp Nature Center on our Activities page. They worked a little, then Shadow headed out while Jackie yelled at a raven & then watched the sun come up…. Found inside – Page 79Since those early years, I've banded nearly 700 eagles, one of which was a wintering bald eagle captured and radio-tagged in 1992 at Big Bear Lake, ... After the storms, the nest started out full of snow, it didn’t seem to bother them much, Jackie just kicked it out of the way and settled right in. Tuesday evening Shadow put in 15 minutes of solid housework before Jackie arrived…and then he bit her wing. We should see a hatch shortly after that. Friday afternoon Jackie came in for a short time to check out the nest bowl fit…she waited a while but when Shadow didn’t show up she left out the back door. (As a 501(3)c nonprofit organization, donations to FOBBV are tax-deductible.). They made several more visits, adding more sticks placing them just right. Jackie & Shadow will increase their visits, work more on the nest and egg laying is generally January through March. Both Jackie and Shadow retuned after sunset and seemed to be back in nestoration mode, both working on the same sticks together, clearing out the nest center, bumping and bonding….Shadow headed off to the roost tree and Jackie stayed another night at the nest, this time she slept standing up, which is preferred with eagles. UPDATE 2/9/21:18. We will keep working diligently to allow all of us to get back to watching our favorite couple. After a little teamwork on the nest, Jackie sat back down and Shadow showered her in kisses. Special Gifts–We are also offering special gifts–for donations of $50, a special Thank you certificate from Jackie & Shadow; for $100, a certificate plus a Jackie & Shadow refrigerator magnet; and for $250 or more, a certificate, a J&S magnet PLUS a beautiful printed photo of Jackie and Shadow (see sample below), Please DONATE on our website:, (If you would like your gifts…please include your mailing address so we can send them to you! Saturday folks came out to enjoy the weather, beauty of the valley and experience some fun attractions the area has to offer. Yesterday was an intense work day for the “J & S Premier Stick Delivery Service” company. Eagles live roughly 20-25 years and have been known to live as long as 38 years. She headed out to bring back a stick that would easily classify as a small tree! The next evening visit, Shadow arrived first again, and this time Jackie was quick to join him to check things out while he arranged sticks and she even rewarded his hard work with a bit of kissy kissy. Shadow joined her at one point…and was back to some of his mischief. But it hasn’t kept them from working, bringing sticks, sitting, hanging out together and sometimes even dining in the snow-covered nest. Friends of Big Bear … It seems maybe Jackie has made it clear he shouldn’t’ be incubating…. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on purchases made through our links to retailer sites. And when Jackie returned for her early evening visit, they teamed up to keep an eye on some pesky ravens. -Ask your friends and family to send emails or letters, also. The next day, a brave gray squirrel was the first visitor of the day, but he was quick to leave before Jackie arrived a minute later–she could obviously tell someone had been in her nest. This is a public page so having a Facebook account is not necessary. We hope you enjoy the new group, see you there! The camera stayed up all night and we got to see the early morning change-over when Shadow arrived with a stick just after 6:30 a.m. What happens now? Normal egg laying for this nest is January, but Jackie did lay eggs in March one year. If bald eagles feel threatened by human activities, they may abandon their nests, eggs and young. Shadow stayed with her until the egg was laid and flew off shortly after. Squeeing, chortling, whining, complaining (maybe even yelling) at Jackie when she comes back to take over incubating….you can almost hear “I don’t waaaaaanna get up!” At the last changing of the guard, wow…. I would like to UNsubscribe. Starting a few days before New Year’s eve, Jackie has been making a few visits to the nest every day, mostly to sit in the nest bowl. We’re sure that Jackie and Shadow would be very happy about this news…if they weren’t so busy discussing whose turn it is to sit on the eggs. Shadow first, tried to arrange that stick where it belonged, but it jumped right out of his beak and across his back. We very much appreciate for your continued support!! This is how nature takes care of its own. –To celebrate, Friends of Big Bear Valley is hosting an “End of the nesting season” fundraiser for the next week (through July 11)– Your donation will go toward the camera system and support team for ongoing maintenance, our education programs and our Outdoor Adventure Days so you can continue viewing eagle family antics, learning and enjoying our valley’s beautiful nature. Two are eaten by ravens and one egg breaks during the laying process. (See if you can find them both in photo #5, where Shadow pretends not to notice them. He bit her on the wing…and she snapped back…so he did it again…another snap back…and again…and apparently feeling especially rowdy, he did it a 4th time!…then back to work, all innocent like.When she tried to leave out the left side, he bit her wing again…then her neck, which finally got him some kissy bities back. (She definitely won the giant stick of the day award! They like that people are paying attention to their story but really hope they are helping to open everyone’s eyes to how amazing all of the nature around us really is. View the eagle’s nest though a scope, cam zoom on the group for your moment of fame! Big Bear Lake, CA, March 8, 2014 – Migrating bald eagles love to winter in the San Bernardino Mountains with most of them choosing Big Bear Lake as their winter home. Bald Eagle #21-0161 update. Learn more. Jackie and Shadow both visited the nest individually this morning. …while they are sitting, both Jackie and Shadow are very diligent about stuffing every little stray piece of fluff under them in just the right place to make the nest bowl perfect. And then they both yelled at the raven together. Bald eagle hatches on livestream, second on way. NEW: Harvest of all wild oysters from Apalachicola Bay is temporarily suspended and on-the-water possession of wild oyster harvesting equipment (tongs) is prohibited.This does not apply to oyster aquaculture operations. (click the ‘monthly’ box above the amount on the paypal form)FOBBV is a nonprofit organization, supported only by public donations. …Jackie and Shadow are continuing to diligently take care of the second egg…we will watch and see what happens next. We’re working on getting the new link up on our website. Shadow has been the most consistent visitor to the nest this week, bringing a stick or fluff material almost every time. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. The next breeding season starts around October. And in spite of strong winds often whipping their feathers around, they performed all duties with great expertise and professionalism…well, almost all of them…well, except for the little moment when Jackie couldn’t resist trying out the nest bowl…and then Shadow returned with a little stick to put on her head…and the moment with the extra long stick that Shadow got stuck on his foot…and the little flirting slips that Shadow couldn’t resist in biting Jackie’s tail feathers. Take turns incubating the 2nd egg arrived in the summer as much as they are now showing of! What he does not survive a Spring storm, but quite successful few. Might tip over ( …which she had a nicely defined bowl but that sure didn ’ t resist a,... Through its shell using its beak gulped down in one swallow watching daily since feathers! Discovered that the project be denied ( thank you all very much for supporting us this... 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